We are in cycle 3. We are fifteen students. There are many
teachers at the French school: Nathalie, Marion, Olivier, Christina, Sylvie,
Grégroy, Morgane, Adrien, Emilie and Monica. We have a lot of funny games,
football, basketball, swing and slide. We have two playgrounds. We go out of
school at 3pm.
Lucas, Thallia, Ruben
and Kinnori
There are two
different groups in cycle 3: bilingual and French. The bilingual group does
science and math in English. Everybody does art history and art in English too.
We do history one out of two times in English. We also do French grammar,
spelling, vocabulary in French too. We go on the computers two times per week.
Geography is in French too.
In our cycle 3 group there are three girls and four boys. The
three girls are Thallia Marion and Kinnori. The boys are Ruben, Mael, Lucas, David,
and Rodrigo. We do English with Marion, math and science with Nathalie we also
do art, art history and sport with Nathalie. When we do sport we always have
fun. In science we do experiments.
At break time we can play football, we can go to the sports’
room; we can also play on the swing. Some people run, some people play with the
bikes. The TPS/PS play on the slide; in the sports’ room we can draw, do
origami and play with the kapla.